Capturing the Atmosphere

Dave’s landscape painting workshops are designed for all levels of ability and focus on concepts and techniques derived from years of plein air painting.  Most of these concepts translate into ANY medium so all are welcome.  Whether painting outdoors or working in the studio, the primary focus of his workshops will be learning how to simplify a landscape as well as interpreting color relationships to develop atmosphere. Other fundamental concepts will also be discussed, including the importance of values, shapes and edges.  Artists will learn to analyze the information they gathered in the field or from photographs,  interpreting color and value relationships in order to create depth in a landscape painting.

Dave has been painting outdoors for almost 20 years, learning from his environment to become a nationally recognized landscape painter.   His work has also been featured in Plein Air Magazine, Art of the West and Southwest Art Magazine and he is a signature member of American Impressionist Society and Oil Painters of America.